Monday 11 November 2013



One of the biggest barriers to people understanding and doing deliverance is that they have too much education.
 Jesus first entrusted the Word to simple people with faith.
 The person must be willing to let go of the bondages in their life before deliverance can be effective for them.
 You can’t counsel out a demon; you must cast our a demon!
 Clues indicating a demonic presence:
·         Who is in control? (The type of bondage in their life)
 Person usually feels helpless
 Usually involves an emotion or situation they can’t control
·         “Something “comes over” them; may indicate a demonic presence that takes over their mind or emotions
·         Hearing (usually suicidal) voices – “A voice told me to kill myself”
 May indicate a Spirit of Suicide or Death
·         Past involvement in witchcraft, Satanism, Freemasonry, etc.
Possible Entry Points Into A Person’s Life:
·         Being victimized
·         Deliberate sin 
·         Bitterness or unforgiveness
·         Inherited problems (Generational Spirits)
·         Involvement with witchcraft, Satanism, fortune telling, horoscopes, etc.
 When there have been these involvements, there needs to be:
• Repentance
• Curses broken
 Point: Whenever a person has taken a vow, that curse must be broken through the blood of Jesus
·         Soul ties need to be broken
Sexual sins differ from other sins because you join your body to another
·         Forgiveness is our greatest weapon in deliverance!
 Forgiveness removes the demon’s right to remain in that life
 Does deliverance occur at conversion?
 When a person invites a problem back that they have been delivered from, it can come back with a vengeance
 Gather information: Why are things the way they are?
 What can be done about it?
·         Forgiveness and repentance; may have to forgive themselves or God
·         Inner healing and healing of memories
A Deliverance Session Method:
 Opening binding prayer: “In Jesus’ name, I bind, muzzle and gag every evil spirit at work in this one’s heart and life. I command you not to speak or torment this person in any way.”
Name the spirit, and then evict it

 If there is a generation spirit, you can say, “You are forbidden to go after this person’s children, in Jesus’ name; I cut you off from this family line!”

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