Monday 11 November 2013



For those of you who are either battling the possibility of demons harassing and tormenting you or if you should ever run across this problem anytime in your future - here is a good, simple battle command that you can use to cast the demons off from you. This type of battle command is for demons who are attacking you from the outside.
However, if you have demons living and operating on the inside of you, then you may have to seek out someone who knows how to do an actual inner deliverance, since the demons have some type of legal right in which to continue to remain on the inside of you. You will need help in handling this kind of deeper problem.
But for those of you who may be dealing with a demon or a group of demons who are just tying to test you out and trying to attack you from the outside without any real legal right to be doing so - this type of battle command should easily do the trick for you in getting them out and off of you.
Remember - you don't have to become a punching bag for these demons and allow them to mentally harass and torment you. You can drive them off of you very easily and very quickly by taking up your Sword - which is the Word of God - and verbally speak out loud to them that they now have to leave you in the name of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You will have to say this battle command out loud as demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts. I would also hold out your right hand when speaking out this battle command. The right hand of God is His hand of deliverance and power. As a born-again believer and representative of God, you have the legal right and authority to be able hold out your right hand while operating under His authority, power and anointing when engaging with the dark side.
Here is the battle command. Feel free to add any additional words that will fit the specific situation you may be dealing with like the girl did in the above story. Also be sensitive to any specific words the Holy Spirit will want to give you when you start to engage with the demons. You may also want to consider writing this out on an index card so you can have it readily available should you ever have to face this kind of battle situation.
"If there are any demons that are attempting to attack, harass or torment me - I am now coming against each and everyone of you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am now coming against each and everyone you operating under the full power, anointing and authority of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.
In the name of Jesus - I now command you to leave me right now, and you are to never, ever come back on me again. GO NOW - in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat - GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ!"
This is the basic gist of a good battle command. Notice that you start off by telling them that you are coming directly against them in the name of Jesus, and that you are operating under the full power, anointing and authority of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
By making this kind of statement right at the very beginning with them - you are showing them that you are not attempting to come against them in your own power or in your own natural strength. You are letting them know right off the bat that you are coming directly against them operating under God's power and authority - not under your own power and authority.
Once they know that you know who you really are in Christ and whose power you are really operating under - they should leave very quickly without too much of a fight. Demons are no match for any anointed believer who knows who he really is in Jesus and who is not afraid to directly engage with them by using the Word of God as his Sword.
Remember - the Word of God is your Sword. Don't be afraid to take that Sword out of your sheath to take these demons head on - and cast them out from either you or anyone else that you know they may be attempting to come against.
Remember what David did with Goliath. He was able to kill that huge blasphemous creature with one well placed blow! You can do the exact same thing with any demons who should attempt to come against either you, any member of your family, or any of your close friends.
Always remember - you are a good soldier of Jesus Christ! Don't be afraid to directly engage with the enemy if he should ever attack you or any of your close loved ones!
Another battle weapon for your arsenal should you ever need it.

   Battle Prayer to Break Legal Rights of Demons

In this second level - demons will move in for an attack once they see a person committing a door-opening, hedge-breaking sin and transgression against the Lord. In this second level, it doesn't make any difference if this person is a Christian or nonbeliever. There are rules to the spiritual war games that are going on behind the scenes in the battle between God and the devil for all of our souls - and demons themselves have to abide by these rules.
The Book of Job  shows that we apparently have some type of protective spiritual hedge surrounding us or else demons would be constantly attacking everyone and we would all be in a state of constant warfare with them.
What happens in the spiritual realm is that this hedge can be broken by a person if this person commits a heavier type of sin or transgression against the Lord.
As Christians, we can have absolutely nothing to do with any of the following areas:
1. The occult 2. False religions and cults 3. Any part of the New Age Movement 4. The homosexual lifestyle 5. Any type of Satan worshipping group 6. Any involvement with abortion or the abortion industry 7. Abusing alcohol 8. Doing any type of drugs - including pot 9. Any type of extreme verbal and/or physical abuse on your mate or children 10. Any type of promiscuous sexual lifestyle 11. Any type of criminal activity 12. Murder 13. Bringing a cursed object into your home
All of the above areas are extreme forbidden areas with our Lord. He will not be putting up with any of His own entering in and engaging in some of these heavier sin areas. If you do, and you do not pull out of it within a reasonable length of time, then God could pull back His hand of protection on you and your life, and you thus could end up with a hole occurring in your protective hedge - thereby giving the demons the opening and legal right to be able to come directly after you.
All of the above activities are major door openers to the dark side, and demons just wait for people, especially Christians, to cross over into some of these realms - knowing full well that they will have the appropriate legal rights to move in for an all out attack if that person does not pull out of it within a reasonable period of time.
If you are a Christian, and you have fallen into some of these dark side areas and have drawn demonic spirits into your life as a result - there is deliverance for you if you are willing to admit that you have sinned and transgressed against your Lord and Savior.
If you are willing to see the errors of your ways and are ready to renounce and pull out of the demonic area that you may have fallen into - then God can work with you to set you completely free from these demons and drive them out of your life for good. But you are first going to have to admit to God that you have sinned against Him by crossing over into some of these areas to begin with.
If you can't see, admit and realize that you have been sinning, and that you have been wrong by crossing over into some of these forbidden areas to begin with - then there will be no deliverance, and the demons will continue to have the appropriate legal rights to be able to stay attached to you and they will continue to tear you and your life to pieces.
To any of you who may have fallen into one or more of the above dark side areas and have drawn demons into your life as a result, and are really looking to be delivered from the bondage you now find yourself caught in - this article will give you a basic 5 step process on how to go about properly breaking the legal rights of the demons so that God can fully deliver you from their grip.
I will then give you a battle prayer that I had given to another woman who had drawn heavy demonic activity in her life as a result of crossing over into some of the above areas. This battle prayer will have all 5 of these steps properly incorporated into the prayer.
At the outset - you have one of two choices. You can either try the 5 steps I will give you below and attempt to do a self-deliverance on your own - or you can seek out the help and guidance from someone who is experienced with delivering people from demons. God is raising up more people at this time who know how to do deliverances, so you might be able to find someone close to where you live at that can help you with this if you are too scared to try it on your own.
From the personal experiences I have had with this kind of deliverance, many of these deliverances can be done as a self-deliverance - where you go before God the Father on your own, follow the 5 steps I will give you below, and then verbally engage with the demons telling them that they now have to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ once you have properly broken all of their legal rights before God the Father.
However, if after reading what these steps will entail, you still feel reluctant or too afraid to try this on your own, then the first thing that I would recommend is that you try and talk to your pastor if you belong to a church. Tell him what your problems are and see if he would be willing to work with you to get you delivered from these demons. If he can't or won't help you for whatever his personal reasons may be, then ask him if there is anyone else in his church that is experienced and anointed to be able to handle this kind of deeper problem.
If there is no one at your church who is experienced and anointed to do deliverances, then I would ask your pastor if he knows anyone else from any of the other churches in your area who can do a deliverance. If no luck with this option, then I would get into the yellow pages and start calling all of the main Christian churches in your area, and ask if they have someone that knows how to do deliverances. You may have to go into a seeking mode to find someone who will know how to do this. But don't give up on this - God will guide you on this if you ask Him to help you find the right person who can get the job done for you.
For those of you who would like to try and handle this on your own as a self-deliverance - especially if you cannot find anyone locally to help you out - here are the 5 basic main steps that you will need to do in order to be able to get complete and total victory and deliverance from these demons.
I will first list each one of these steps, one right after the other, so you can see exactly what you will have to do. Here are the 5 steps. 
  25 1. The full surrender 2. Confess each one of your sins before the Lord 3. Renounce each one of your sins before the Lord 4. Break the legal rights of the demons 5. Verbally command the demons to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ
Now I will go into exact detail on what you will need to do with each one of these specific steps so that you can get yourself completely set free from any demonic attack you may be under - no matter how long you may have been under this demonic attack and no matter how hopeless the situation may look to you in the natural.
1. The Full Surrender
The very first thing you are going to have to do is to be willing to come into a full surrender of you and your entire life with the Lord. We have another article in our site in the Bible Basics section titled "The Full Surrender."
In this article, I explain to you exactly what this full surrender is, give you all of the verses from Scripture to back up what God is looking for in this full surrender, and then give you a good sample full surrender prayer that you can actually use to go before the God the Father to make this full surrender with Him.
The very first rule in spiritual warfare, before you can even begin to do battle with demonic spirits, is that you have to be walking and operating in a full surrender with the Lord. If you are not willing to come into this full surrender with the Lord where He will now be the One to take over the reigns of your life and lead your life into the direction that He will now want it to go in - then there will be no help and no deliverance from these demons.
You have been running your own show over all of the years and now you are in a big mess as a result of drawing these demons into your life. The only way out of it now is going to be God's way - not your way! You will now have to fully submit and fully surrender every single part of your life over to the Lord for His handling and direction. God will now be running your entire life - not you or anyone else in your life - no matter how close you may be to certain other people in your life!
Here is the verse from the Bible that gives us this specific revelation:
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)
Notice the first four words - "Therefore submit to God" - and notice that this verse starts out with this command. What this means is that you firsthave to be willing to fully submit to God before you can even begin to resist and fight against the devil and his demons to make them flee from you.
Submitting to God means you have entered into this full surrender with Him. You have to be willing to fully surrender every part of your being to Him - body, soul and spirit, along with your entire life over to Him. Again, all of this is fully explained to you in our article titled "The Full Surrender" in the Bible Basics Section of our site.
If you are willing to make this full surrender with the Lord where He will now be the One who will be in total control of your life and lead it in the direction that He will now want it to go in - then you will now be ready for step 2.
2. Confess Each One of Your Sins Before the Lord
The next step to be able to receive total deliverance from these demons is that you are going to have to be willing to admit that what you were involved in were sins and transgressions against the Lord in the first place - and then you will have to be willing to fully confess out each one of these transgressions as actual sins before the Lord.
   If you can't or won't admit that you have been sinning against the Lord with your involvement in some of the above areas - then again, there will be no help and no deliverance from your situation. As a result, the demons will continue to hold you captive until you can agree to see and do things God's way.
It's either God's way or the highway. There is no negotiating or trying to compromise your way out of this with the Lord. Sin is sin, and any involvement in any of the above areas are sins before the Lord - no matter what your excuse may have been for falling into some of these areas to begin with.
If you are willing to admit that what you have been involved in was wrong and sinful before the eyes of God, and then are willing to fully confess each one of these sins as actual sins before the Lord in the prayer I will give you below - then you will now be ready for step 3.
3. Renounce Each One of Your Sins Before the Lord
The next step, in addition to being willing to fully confess out each one of the transgressions as sins, is that you will now have to be willing to fully renounce each one of these sins before the Lord.
When you renounce each one of these sins before the Lord - what you will now be telling God is that you will never, ever go back into any of these heavy sin areas ever again. Before you decide to go before the Lord for your deliverance, you will first have to make sure that you really want to be set free from your sinful past, and that you will do everything you possibly can in your own natural power not to go back or fall back into any of these heavy sin areas ever again.
If you have fallen prey to some of the different drug addictions, ask God, through the power of His Holy Spirit, to help set you completely free from the addictions of whatever drugs you may have been hooked on. The Holy Spirit is there to help you out with His power if you are really wanting His help. There is nothing that the power of God cannot defeat and overcome in your life - no matter how hopeless or bleak the situation may look to you in the natural.
One word of caution in this area! Once you make up your mind to fully renounce any of these types of heavier sins before the Lord - you will have to make sure that you never, ever fall back into these same areas again. What will happen if you do is that not only will you give these demons another legal right to be able to come back after you - but these demons that will be coming back after you will be demons that will be 7 times more wicked and evil than what the original demons were that had attached to you in the first place.
For more information on this kind of possibility - we have another article in our site titled "Interpretation of Matthew 12:45 - Demons" in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site. In this article, I give you the verse from Scripture where this revelation is being given to us by the Lord, and the appropriate interpretation and commentary on what this verse is trying to tell us. It would be my strong recommendation that you also read this article as part of your education on this topic.
4. Break the Legal Rights of the Demons
Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each of these heavier sin areas before God the Father - then you have just taken away all of the legal rights that the demons had to stay attached to you. Now you are ready to break those legal rights.
I will show you how to properly do this in the battle prayer I will give you below and how to properly word out this part of the prayer. Basically what you will be doing is verbally breaking the legal rights of the demons operating under God the Father's authority, power and anointing to be able to do so.
After you break the legal rights of these demons before God the Father, then you will be ready for the last and final step.
Verbally Command the Demons to Now Leave You in the Name of Jesus Christ
Once you have fully confessed and fully renounced each of the sin areas you had been involved in, and then have fully broken the legal rights of the demons before God the Father - then the last thing that will remain will be you turning around and verbally engaging with the demons - telling them that they no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to you and that they will now have to leave you in the name of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You will have to verbally do this. Demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts - so you will have to verbally, out loud, command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ. Again, I will show you how to word this part of the prayer in the battle prayer I will give you below.

The Battle Prayer

I am going to give you an exact battle prayer that I drew up for a woman who had drawn heavy demonic activity into her life as a result of falling into some very heavy dark side areas. This woman has given me permission to release the exact battle prayer that I had drawn up for her. However, it was agreed that I would leave her name out of it due to the very personal nature of some of the things she was involved in. I will substitute another name in her place so as to keep the flow of the prayer intact.
As you will see when I list out the legal rights that these demons had to come into her life in the first place - many of these sins were severe transgressions against the Lord, and these demons had more than enough legal rights to launch an all out full scale attack on her and her life.
This battle prayer is divided into two parts. The first part being her confessing and renouncing each of her sins before the Lord, and then breaking the legal rights of the demons once those sins had been properly confessed and renounced before the Lord. The second part of the prayer will be when she then turns around and verbally commands the demons to now leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
Here are both parts of the exact prayer. I will then add some additional commentary after I give you this battle prayer so I can point out several things to you as to why I worded certain parts of the prayer as I did.
1. Prayer to Break Legal Rights of the Demons
In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne in a time of great need, in time of an extreme emergency.
Father, as You already know, I have demons attacking me from the outside, and possibly from the inside of my being. I know why they are in my life. I have done some really bad and evil things in my life. I have horribly transgressed against both You and all of Your basic laws and commandments with the sins that I have personally committed against You.
Father, I first want to say to You that I am so sorry for doing all of these bad and evil things against You. There is no excuse for the kind of behavior that I have exhibited. But Father, I now want to take a strong stand. I do not want any more part of this kind of wicked and evil lifestyle. I know that You are My only hope and My only salvation to be able to deliver me from the demonic bondage I now find myself enslaved in as a result of crossing over into these kinds of heavier sins.
Father, I ask that You please have mercy on my soul, and that You please forgive me for all of the sins and atrocities that I have personally committed against You under the blood that Your one and only Son Jesus Christ has personally shed for me on the cross.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to formally confess out all of the bad, evil and sinful things I have personally done against You. Father, I now confess to you the following things as being sins and extreme abominations in Your sight:
1. My involvement in drugs. 2. My involvement in sex, fornication, unnatural and unholy sex acts - such as homosexual acts and thoughts, and being involved in a swingers type lifestyle. 3. My use of all kinds of pornography. 4. My past adulterous affairs and activities. 5. All of my past thefts and covetousness. 6. All of my envy and jealousy that I have ever shown against anyone, and all of my lying and deceit that I have ever been involved in. 7. All of the pride, impatience, hate and rage that I have ever shown or manifested over the years. 8. All of my involvement in the occult such as witchcraft, invocation of demons spirits and tarot cards. 9. All of the times that I have personally cursed You and prayed to other false gods. 10. Breaking all 10 of Your commandments to one degree or another.
Father, I now know, without any shadow of a doubt, that all of the above activities were heinous sins and abominations in your sight. I am so sorry for going this far against You.
Father, I know that Your Son Jesus Christ has died for all of my sins. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You please forgive me for every single one of the these sins and transgressions that I have personally committed against You. Let the Blood of Your Most Holy Son Jesus Christ completely wash away every ounce of stench, every ounce of each one of these sins that have been committed against You.
Father, you tell me in Your Word, that if I am willing to confess my sins and agree to repent, that You will forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Father, I now ask that You please forgive me for of all of my sins that I have personally committed against You through the blood that Your Son Jesus Christ has personally shed for me on the cross. I now believe that all of my sins have been completely forgiven and completely washed away by the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
2.  Father, I now want to agree to also renounce every single one of the above activities. You have my word that I will never, ever attempt to go back into any area having to do with the occult, any area having to do with sexual fornication, or any involvement in any kind of drug use whatsoever.
Father, in Jesus name, I now officially renounce every single one of the above sins and transgressions that have been committed against You.
3.  Father, the next thing I need to take care of is when my father raped me when I was a young child. I now know that what he did was evil and wrong in Your sight. However, I will choose not to hold any unforgiveness towards him.
Father, I choose with my own free will to fully forgive him for what he did to me when I was a young child. My father and the judgment on his life will now fall into Your hands - not mine. I hold no hate or animosity towards him. I ask that you please have mercy on his soul when he has to face You for his own personal judgment. I now fully forgive him for what he has done to me.
4.  Father, I now believe that all of my sins, transgressions and abominations against You have been fully forgiven by You under the shed blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. Father, I thank You for having this kind of mercy on my soul and that You have made a way of forgiveness for me through the Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ.
  29 Father, with all of my sins and transgressions against You now being fully forgiven - I now want to once and for all break the legal rights that these demons have had over me over all of these years.
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You fully break the legal rights of these demons. I now ask that You completely break and completely sever every single one of their legal rights that has arisen as a result of my involvement in all of the above sin areas.
Father, in Jesus name, I now personally come against each one of these legal rights myself - operating under Your authority and Your anointing to be able to do so.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ - I now fully break and fully sever each one of these legal rights. Father, I repeat, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now command that every inch and every single part of this legal right line be completely broken, completely severed, and completely demolished in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and every single part of this legal right line and command it to be completely broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
5.  Father, I also want to reaffirm with you as I have done the other day, that I have now fully surrendered my body, my soul, my spirit and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect will for my life.
I am now willing to follow You fully all the rest of the days of my life. I will now be guided by Your Holy Spirit from this moment on - and I will never, ever cross back over into the sin-filled life I used to live in.
Father, I now belong to You, and You alone. You, and You alone, are my Rock and my Salvation. I will look to no other. My life is now totally in Your hands. Father, from this moment on, I will fully follow You and fully serve You for the rest of my eternal life.
Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus.

 Battle Prayer to Cast Out Demons

You have now broken all of the legal rights of the demons on the above prayer that I gave you. They are now ready to be cast out with the battle prayer I will now give you.
I would wait until everyone is out of the house and do this in private between you, God and the demons.
1.  The 1st part of the prayer will be you going to God the Father asking Him to anoint you with His power to cast these demons out and off of you for good. You will also be asking God to take this battle up for you and to have His power come through the Holy Spirit to drive these demons off of you.
2.  The 2nd part of the prayer will be when you will then turn around and verbally engage with the demons to now leave you in the name of Jesus.
3.  Say both parts of these prayers out loud so the demons can hear you loud and clear. Also, on the 2nd part of this prayer - hold out your right hand as you are telling the demons to now leave you. The right hand of God the Father is His hand of power and deliverance. As His born-again child, you now have the legal right to be able to do this.
  30 I would say this prayer out loud 3x-4x over the next couple of days.
A) Father,
In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I now boldly approach Your throne of grace and mercy. Father, I now come before You to once and for all to take these demons out of my life for good.
I have already come before You confessing all of the bad and sinful things I have ever done to You throughout most of my life. I have also renounced my past activities and have told You that I will never, ever go back into those heavier sin areas again. Father, I have horribly wronged You with some of those past transgressions, and I am so sorry that I have ever gone against You and deliberately disobeyed You so many times.
But Father, now is the time to pick myself back up off the mat. Now is the time to make a brand new start with a brand new direction. I have already fully surrendered my body, my soul, my spirit and my entire life into Your hands. I have now entered into Your perfect will for my life. I am now all Yours. I now belong to You and no one else - and I will now fully serve You and fully follow You for the rest of my eternal life.
Father, now is the time to clean up one last loose end. As a result of my past involvement in some of these horrible transgressions against You - I have drawn demons into my life. I know that I have given these demons full legal right to come into my life and attack me like they have been doing with everything that I have done against You.
But now is the time to take a final stand against these demons! Now is the time to vanquish them out of my life for good! Now is the time to stand up and fight and directly engage with them - operating under Your full power and anointing to be able to do so!
Father, You have said in Your Word that "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out all of their troubles." (Psalm 34:17)
You have said in Your Word that "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me." (Psalm 138:7)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You send me into battle to cast these demons out of my life for good. You say in Your Word that You can "make me bold with strength in my soul" (Psalm 138:3) and that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)
Father, since I have now fully surrendered every part of my life into Your hands - I now want to take a hold of the verse that says to "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)
Since I am now fully submitted to You - I am now ready to resist Satan and his demons who have been attacking and tormenting me over all of these years. Your Word tells me that Satan and his demons will now flee if I pick up my sword, which is Your Word - and directly engage with them.
Father, in the mighty name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I now ask that You stir Yourself up as a Man of War and go before me to take out this defeated foe. Your Word tells me that "The Lord is a man of war." (Exodus 15:3)
Your Word tells me that "The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war ... He shall prevail against His enemies." (Isaiah 42:13)
Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that You stir up Your zeal like a mighty Man of War off the wording of this verse.
now ask that You go before me as a consuming fire. Your Word tells me that"The Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; You shall drive them out and DESTROY THEM QUICKLY ..." (Deuteronomy 9:3)
Your Word tells me that You will go before me and "make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron." (Isaiah 45:2)
Father, these demons have kept me prisoner long enough. I now ask that You go before me to make this crooked path totally straight again and that you break the bars that have been holding me captive over all of these years. I ask that You now completely cut and completely sever the cords of these wicked and evil spirits.
In Deuteronomy 33:27, it says that You "will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say, 'Destroy!"
Father, I now ask that you anoint me from head to foot with Your anointing, with Your power, and with Your authority to take these demons head on. You have already told us in Your word that "in my name they will cast out demons," (Mark 16:15) and that You gave the early apostles the "power over unclean spirits" and that "they cast out many demons." (Mark 6:7)
Father, not by my might, but by Your Holy Spirit I will engage with and defeat these demons once and for all!
Father, Your Word tells me that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Your Word tells me that I have been given "the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me" (Luke 10:19) and that "Through You we will push down our enemies, through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us." (Psalm 44:5)
Father, now is the time! Now is the time to drive this enemy out of my life once and
for all!
Father, Your Word tells me that the Sword of the Holy Spirit is Your Word. Father, in Jesus name, let your Word be my Sword! Father, I repeat, let Your Word be my Sword!
B) (Say all of this prayer out loud and hold out your right hand when saying it)
"In the name of My Lord and Savior and my deliverer Jesus Christ - I am now speaking to every single demon that is on the outside of me and to every single demon that may be on the inside of me.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now come against each and everyone of you. I know that you have all been in my life for many years. I also know why you have been allowed to enter into my life and attack me like you have been doing over all of these years.
I now know what all of your legal rights have been over all of these years that allowed you to attack me as you have been doing.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ - all of your legal rights have now been totally and completely broken before my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and my heavenly Father, God the Father. I have now fully submitted and fully surrendered my entire body, my entire soul, my entire spirit and my entire life into the hands of God the Father. I now belong to God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now belong to Them, and to Them alone in this life.
You no longer own me. You no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to me. All of your legal rights and demonic strongholds have now been completely broken and completely demolished under the shed Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I have now fully confessed my sin of using drugs over the course of my entire life. I have now fully confessed my sins of fornication and having sex with multiple lovers and partners over the years. I have now fully confessed my sin of watching any kind of pornography. I have now fully confessed my sins of past thefts and covetousness.
I have now fully confessed my sins of breaking all 10 of God's commandments to one degree or another during the course of my life. I have now fully confessed my sins of delving into parts of the occult that I had no business treading into. I have now fully confessed all of my sins having to do with my jealousy, rage and anger.
All of my sins have now been fully confessed and fully renounced before God the Father. All of my sins have now been fully forgiven.
My slate has now been made perfectly and completely clean. My sins and transgressions against the Lord are no longer remembered in His eyes. I am now a new creation in Jesus Christ. I am now totally committed to serving Him, and Him alone in this life. Never again will I go back into the sin- filled life that gave you the legal right to be able to come into my life in the first place.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ:
I now plead the Blood of Jesus Christ over my entire spirit. I now plead the Blood of Jesus over my entire soul. I now plead the Blood of Jesus over my entire body. I now plead the blood of Jesus over this entire house.
Demons, the Word of God is now my Sword! I repeat, the Word of God is now my Sword!
I am now taking up my sword, which is the Word of my God, which is the word of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - and I am now coming against each and everyone of you - whether you be on the outside of me or whether you be on the inside of me.
Demons, all of your legal rights have now been completely and totally broken to pieces - completely and totally demolished - completely and totally severed. I repeat - all of your legal rights have now been completely broken. Your time is up! You will all have to go now! I repeat - you will all have to go now!
To every single demon that is living and operating on the inside of me - I am now coming against each and everyone of you. I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat - I am now pleading the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.
In the name of Jesus - I command you to come out of me right now and to leave me and this house - and you are to never, ever come back on me again. I repeat - every single one of you that may be on the inside of me is to come out of me right now in the name of Jesus Christ - and you are to leave my body, my soul and this house immediately! Go now, in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat, go now in the name of Jesus Christ!
To every single demon who may be attacking me from the outside or who has been living in this house as a result of the legal rights I had earlier given to you, I am now coming against each and everyone of you. You too have had all of your legal rights totally broken. Not one of you has any more legal right to be able to stay attached to me in any way, shape or form. You will all now have to go.
In the name of Jesus Christ - I now plead the Blood of Jesus against each and everyone of you! I repeat - I now plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you!
In the name of Jesus - I now command you to leave myself and my house, and you are to never, ever come back on me again. I repeat, you are to leave me and my house for good - and you are to never, ever come back on me again! Go now, in the name of Jesus! I repeat - go now in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and do not ever come back into my life or this house ever again!
Father, Jesus - I have full faith and belief that You have now driven all of these demons out of my body, out of my soul, out of my house and out of my life for good by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Father, Jesus - I now ask that You protect both me and my family from this moment on, and that You never allow these demons come back on us ever again.
Father, Jesus - to You be all of the glory. To You be all of the praise, glory and honor that is only due to You.
Father, thank You for this deliverance.  Father, thank You for this new life.
Father, I now ask that You take complete control on my life from this moment on and that You lead me into Your perfect will for my life.
Father, guide me by Your Holy Spirit into the direction and path that You will want me to take in this life. My life is no longer my own. I now belong to You, and You alone.
Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit."
Note the following in the way this prayer was worded:
1.  This battle prayer is divided into two main parts. The first part of the prayer is where you go one-on-one with God the Father to fully confess and fully renounce each of the specific sins that you have committed against Him that have given the demons the legal right to be able to come directly against you.
Also note that I had this woman apologize to the Lord for this kind of extreme activity. Many of her sins were heavy and extreme, and I felt she also needed to apologize to the Lord, as she knew that what she was doing was wrong and sinful in His sight.
If you have engaged in some of these heavier types of sins against the Lord, it would be my recommendation that you also apologize to the Lord from your heart for committing these types of heavier sins and transgressions against Him in the first place.
Also note that her natural father had raped her when she was younger. As I stated in my article in "4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits" - if anyone has raped or severely abused you, you will have to be willing to fully forgive that person in the eyes of God. This could have been another possible entry point with these demons, so she had to close that door by telling God that she would be willing to fully forgive him for what he had done to her at such a young age.
.  When you get into the second part of the prayer where she is going to go toe-to-toe with these demons to drive them off of her - first note that I had her go before God the Father to ask Him for His power and His anointing to be able to defeat and drive these demons off of her.
She could have just skipped this part of the prayer and just started to command the demons to now leave her in the name of Jesus since all of their legal rights had been broken earlier in the first part of this prayer.
However, what you have to realize was that this was a more serious type of case. When someone has been beat up for so long from this kind of demonic attack - their faith and strength levels are not going to be operating at the same levels of what a normal Christian may be be operating at.
As a result, you first have to have them go before God the Father and ask Him for His power, His authority and His anointing to be able to drive these demons off of them. You also need to quote some good battle verses back to God the Father, asking Him to take this battle up for them, since they have been beat up from so many years of constant abuse and torment from these demons.
In the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, we have another article titled "Battle Verses of the Bible." In this article, I give you 100 of the best battle verses from the Bible. You thus have a whole range of different types of battle verses to pick and choose from to put into your own personal battle prayer. The battle verses I picked for this particular case were the ones I thought were best suited for what I was dealing with.
4.  Then notice as you get into the part where she starts to verbally engage with the demons. Instead of just starting out by commanding the demons to now leave her - I have her confront the demons and tell them that they have now been fully exposed, that all of her sins have been fully confessed and fully renounced before God the Father, and that all of their legal rights have now been fully broken and completely taken away from them.
Once the demons know and understand what has just happened between this woman and God the Father - they now know they have all been put on final notice that all of their legal rights are now gone. They now know that she knows who she is in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that they will now be no match for her - since God will now be anointing her with His power to be able to cast them out and off of her for good.
5.  As she starts to come against them - also notice that I have her speak directly to any demons that may be living and operating on the inside of her, and any demons that may be attacking her from an outside position - which would be on the outside of her body.
When you come across someone who has crossed over into these kinds of heavier sins and transgressions - there is always a very good chance that some of the demons may have been allowed to literally enter in on the inside of that person's body and soul.
As I have stated in my article on the 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits - Christians can draw demons into their bodies and souls if they cross over into some of these heavier types of sins. However, the demons will not be able to enter into that person's human spirit since the Holy Spirit already lives in there.
This woman had been saved for about 5 years before I met her - but the attacks from the demons never did stop. The reason the attacks had never stopped was due to the fact she had never properly broken all of the demon's legal rights and thus did not have the legal authority to be able to cast them out.
Once she had fully confessed and fully renounced all of these heavier sins before God the Father - then the demons no longer had any more legal rights to be able to stay attached to her and they are now ready to be cast out.
  35 Since I did not know what demons were operating on the inside of her or what demons were operating on the outside of her - I had her speak directly to both of them. This way she would be covering both of her bases.
6.  Also note that right in the middle of the battle I had her plead the Blood of Jesus over her entire spirit, over her entire soul and over her entire body. If any demons were trying to hold on to her during this battle - pleading the Blood of Jesus right in the middle of this kind of battle should break them loose since they are obviously no match for the power that is in Blood of Jesus Christ.
7.  I then had her finish out the battle command by pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against all of the demons, and then telling them that they now have to leave her since there is now nothing left for any of them to be able to hold onto. This is the part where you now tell them to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ and that they are to never, ever come back on you again.
The prayer is then ended with her telling both God and Jesus that she now believes that God has given her total victory and total deliverance from these demons, that she is now willing to fully follow God in the direction that He will now want to take her life in, and then thanking Him for the victory and giving Him all the praise, honor and glory that is only due to Him for this kind of an extreme deliverance.
. The Power of the Holy Spirit
We as humans only have a certain amount of natural strength, not only within our natural physical bodies, but also within our souls and spirits where our intellect and emotions reside. Each person only has a limited amount of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical strength at his disposal.
Some people can bounce back from adversity better and quicker than others. We have all seen that. However, we all have our breaking points, no matter how strong we think we are. We can only lift so much with our physical bodies - no matter how many steroids a bodybuilder may take.
We all have different levels of mental and emotional strength. Some are stronger in their minds than others. We see this mental strength in many of our professional athletes. Some of these athletes can do and accomplish things a normal person cannot do - not only because they are physically stronger, but also because they are mentally stronger. They don’t give up as quickly as someone else would. How many times have we seen professional athletes amaze us when in the heat of extreme adversity - they plow through on sheer will power and mental strength to achieve total victory?
Some are also stronger in their emotions than others. We can see this in the different ways people react to severe tragedy. Some can bounce back quicker - they don’t hold any grudges against anyone for the tragedy. Life is too short for them to dwell on the negative aspects of the tragedy and they prefer to press on with the rest of their life and let the past go. Others cannot do that as easily.
They can’t let the past go. They don’t have the emotional strength to get a grip on the negative emotions that have settled in on them. Before they know it, they are mired down into a depression and they are holding grudges against the wrongdoers and are mad at everything and everybody in the world. They can’t get over the negative feelings they are experiencing and before long - they have lost all of their joy and zest for living.
Too many Christians are in this second boat. They have been hit with some serious torpedoes and they can’t seem to get back up to start living again. The negative emotions that have set in on them are literally killing them!
Many in the medical profession believe that negative emotions can help lead to cancer and other various diseases and illnesses. Not only can these negative emotions kill you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually - but they can also lead to diseases and illnesses that can physically kill you.
To those Christians who can’t seem to get back up and get over the wrongs done to them by others - who don’t have enough mental, emotional, and spiritual strength within their own makeup to work these negative emotions out of themselves - there is only one answer for them.
And that answer is they simply have to go to God the Father in prayer and ask Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to remove all of the negative emotions that are eating them up alive. They have to tell God that they don’t have the strength within their own emotional and mental makeup and that they need His supernatural power to pull all of these negative emotions and feelings out of them.
If you go direct to God the Father with a sincere request to help you out with this kind of a dilemma - God will help deliver you from the bondage of these negative emotions and feelings. God will literally do "inner spiritual surgery" on you to help pull these negative emotions out of you.
This is a supernatural work done by the Holy Spirit Himself. Since the Holy Spirit is the One who lives on the inside of you - He is the One who will actually do the inner spiritual surgery to pull all of these negative emotions out of you. However, you first have to go direct to God the Father and ask Him to release this kind of deliverance power to you - which He will do through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Helper. He is there to help us out on anything that we may need His help on. And one of the things that He loves to get involved in is the transformation process - the sanctification process to make you into a better and more holy person - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
When you ask God to take these kinds of negative emotions out of you - it can sometimes happen very quickly - possibly within seconds, minutes, days or weeks. Or it could take a bit longer, perhaps spread out over several months - which would be more of a progressive type healing. God is the Surgeon, so let Him decide how He wants to work this inner surgery and how long He wants to take to do it with you.
Once this inner spiritual surgery has been completed by the Holy Spirit, you will no longer "feel" these negative emotions. You will still have full "memory" of the anger you may have felt against someone who has wronged you, but you will no longer feel that anger. God has miraculously and supernaturally removed the "feelings" of that emotion from you. This is what is called an inner healing.
So many Christians are mired down in depressions as a result of life’s torpedoes that have hit them. If they would only simply approach God the Father in sincere prayer and ask Him for His power to heal them on the inside - He would be more than happy to meet them all the way and clean them up on the inside. But these Christians are not getting this type of deliverance from God simply because they have never approached and asked Him specifically for this kind of deliverance.
The Bible says "You have not because you ask not." Many times, God will not move in with His deliverance power on your situation until you first ask Him to do so in prayer. Sometimes it really is that simple!
Too many Christians are running to psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors, not to mention the drug store for their favorite tranquilizer or anti-depressantmedication. The number one selling prescription drug for the year 2001 was anti-depressant medication! And I have to believe there were many Christians in that boat.
We as Christians have the greatest Counselor, the greatest Teacher, the greatest Deliverer, the greatest Healer living right there on the inside of us - the Holy Spirit! The Bible calls Him the "Counselor."
And not only are His services completely free, but the Holy Spirit is God and Lord Himself, and as God, He has maximum power to handle and deliver you from any problems that can come your way - whether they be mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical.
The Holy Spirit can also get at the root of your problems - especially when you get into the emotional realm of your being. He will pull these negative feelings out at the roots so they don’t keep coming back on you. Anti-depressants just cover or mask the problem. They never get at the root of the problem. The same with doctors and counselors. They can talk all day long about your problem - but they do not have God’s full supernatural power to literally pull these emotions out at their roots to bring about a full inner healing on these negative emotions.
Sometimes talking about your problems to counselors or others will help release a part of these negative emotions - but only the supernatural power of God can actually get at the real root of these problems and pull all it out at that root. Neither you, the doctors, or any type of drug can do this for you - only God can!
The above principle also applies to trying to forgive someone who has seriously wronged you. You know God wants you to forgive this person - but your feelings are not lining up with what is coming out of your mouth. You tell God you have forgiven this person, but yet you still feel the anger and the bitterness against this person.
What you do in this case is to tell God, with a confession out of your mouth, that you will forgive this person - even if your don’t really feel like you have forgiven this person within your own feelings and emotions.
God will take and accept the confession out of your mouth that you have truly forgiven this person, even if your feelings are not lining up with this confession. But then you go to part two and ask God to take these feelings of unforgiveness out of you and He will do it just like He will do with your other negative emotions. All of a sudden, after a certain length of time, you will feel it on the inside of your heart and your spirit that you have now truly forgiven this person and that you are no longer holding any grudges or feelings of anger, bitterness, or resentment toward this person.
You have truly let this person go - knowing that his fate and the consequences of his actions are now fully in the hands of God. You are now free and you can now start fully living again. The Bible tells us that no one is fit for the kingdom of God if they keep looking back on their past and dwelling on it. The apostle Paul says that he forgets those things that are behind him and continues to press forward for the things that now lie ahead of him.
The Bible tells us that Jesus has come to set the captives free - and one of the greatest areas of captivity for many of us is in our own minds. The Bible tells us that a man is as he thinks. In other words, you can become what you think. Your thought life, what you think about and dwell on, can make or break you in this life. This is why the Bible tells us that we are actually transformed by the renewing of our minds. You have to learn how to develop right thinking in your mind and thought process.
I’ll end this article with some good Scripture verses on all of the above points. Some of these verses have already been mentioned in some of my other articles, but for the sake of this article and the specific points being talked about, I will go ahead and state these verses once again due to the extreme importance of each of them.
The Scripture Verses
For those of you who are really battling with yourself on being able to get over the hurts and injustices of your past, really study and meditate on the following verses.
Jesus has already told us in His Word that His truth will set us free. But before His Word and truth can start to work to set you free - you have to know exactly what those truths are, and then seek to understand them, and then get them implimented into your way of thinking. These truths have to become a part of your right thinking in the Lord.
The Scripture verses I will list below are given you Jesus' truths on this particular subject matter. These truths can work to set you free in this realm if you will do your part and assimilate these truths into your way of thinking in this life.
1. The Judgment of God
  43 Here are several good verses showing us that we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ after we die and cross over - no exceptions! Notice this first verse says that "every secret thing" and that "every work," whether it be good or evil, will be brought before God for His judgment.
Thus anyone who has unjustly wronged you in this life will have to answer to God when they face Him for their own personal judgment if that wrong has not been confessed and forgiven before they die. I believe all of these verses are literal interpretation and they mean exactly what they are saying!
 "For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:13)    "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)    "And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." (Hebrews 4:13)
If more people knew about these kinds of verses and the seriousness of each of these verses, more people would think twice before deciding to unjustly attack or hurt another person.
2. Letting Go of the Past
Here are two very good verses on God wanting us to let go of the things in our past and to continue to press forward to accomplish His perfect will and plan for our lives. The first verse is from the apostle Paul and the second verse is coming direct from Jesus Himself.
 "... but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)    But Jesus said to him, "No one having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62)
Life is simply way too short to be wallowing in the hurts and injustices of your past. God will be righting all of the wrongs ever done to you in this life. This is why you can fully let go of your past and start fully living in your present again.
3. You Are What You think
Here is a short, but very powerful Scripture verse telling us that a man will become as he "thinks" in his heart. If you think and dwell on happy and positive type thoughts, then you will become a happy and positive type person. However, if all you do is think about and dwell on the negative side of this life, then you will become a negative and depressive type person where people will not want to even be around you. Here is the verse:
"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7)
The Bible says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. We have to learn how to develop right thinking in our thought process. Our thought process does not control us - we control it! We can choose to decide what we want to think about and dwell on.
4. Sowing to the Flesh
According to the Bible, the people who have unjustly wronged you in this life are sowing to the flesh. They are sowing to the dark side of their personality as versus sowing to their spirits, which is their good side, when they unjustly wrong others for their own gain and profit.
  44 This next verse specifically tells us that if these people sow to their flesh with these types of unjust actions against you, then they will eventually "reap corruption" - which is death. This verse tells us that God will not be mocked and they will literally reap what they have sown against you. Here it is:
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life." (Galatians 6:7-8)
This verse gives us another reason to be able to let anyone go into the hands of God who has severely wronged us in this life. Sooner or later, they will all reap what they have sown - and for some of them - it will be eternal punishment in the most horrible place imaginable.
5. Unforgiveness and Loving Your Enemies
Here are three verses telling us that God wants us to forgive those who have wronged us, and for us to be able to love them, to do good to them, and to pray for them. This is a tall order, but it is possible with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us in this.
"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you ..." (Matthew 5:44)
This next verse tells us that not only are we not to hate anyone - but we are not to take any type of vengeance against someone who has wronged us. This verse also tells us that we are not to hold any grudges against anyone else and that we are to love others as we would love ourselves.
"You shall not hate your brother in your heart ... You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord." (Leviticus 19:17)
This next verse really warns us of the consequences of not fully forgiving others who have trespassed against us. When someone has unjustly wronged you, they have trespassed against you. In this verse, God tells us that if we do not forgive those who have trespassed against us, then He will not forgive us when we trespass against others.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)
And if we don’t get God's forgiveness for our trespasses down here on this earth, then we will have to face Him for judgment for these trespasses when we die and cross over to meet Him face to face. This is truly a dire and strong warning from the Lord in that we are not to carry any unforgiveness in our hearts toward anyone - no matter how bad they may have wronged us.
. Vengeance Belongs to the Lord
For those of you who have been seriously wronged and are contemplating some type of payback, some type of vengeful act against that person - look very closely at this next verse.
This verse tells us that we are not to repay evil with evil. In other words, God is telling us that any type of vengeful act that we try to take against someone who has wronged us will be considered an evil act on our part. And as such, we will either have to face His judgment in this life or in the next life for taking this vengeful act.
We are not allowed to take the law into our hands - either on earth or in heaven. Vengeance and payback belong to the Lord - not to us or anyone else who would like to try and get even for you!
I know there are some people who say they would kill others if anyone ever harmed any of their loved ones. But if you payback death with death, you will have to answer to God for your act of vengeance. This verse tells us to do just the opposite - to pay back evil, to overcome evil with goodness.
God will be the final Judge, Jury and Executioner on the evil someone may have done to you. This is His territory - not yours!
Here is a major power verse every single Christian really needs to grab a hold of if they have ever been seriously wronged or injured by the evil acts of another.
"Repay no one evil for evil ... live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves ... for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink ... Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:17-21)
Again, do not tempt your eternal fate with God the Father by attempting to take the law in your own hands if someone has viciously wronged either you or a close loved one.
The Bible says that murderers will not be entering into the kingdom of heaven - and that may include you if you decide to try and take another person's life as payback for something they may have done to either you or someone else in your family.
7. Judge Not
These next four verses are again strong warnings from the Lord that we are not to judge others, that judgment belongs to Him, and that we will all eventually be judged by God for all of our transgressions that have not been forgiven under the Blood of Jesus before we die.
 "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged ..." (Matthew 7:1)    "Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." (Luke 6:37)
These next two verses are from the apostle Paul. He lays it out very clearly and very simply that we are to judge nothing before the time of God’s personal judgment on all of us. Paul says that God will bring to light all the hidden things of darkness when this judgment occurs and until it does, we are to go on living our lives trying to resolve what we can with our neighbor and live in harmony as best we can with him.
  46  "... but He who judges me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the heart ..." (1 Corinthians 4:4-5)    "But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ ... So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way." (Romans 14:10-13)
Again, God the Father could not make things any more clear than by the way He has worded all of these verses. All of these verses are giving us major warnings in that we are to fully forgive all of our trespassers and that we are to let everyone go into the hands of God who has seriously or viciously wronged us in this life.

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