Monday 11 November 2013



There are those today who say Christians aren't to get involved in spiritual warfare, but instead we are to just trust God and think only of Him.  While God is always to be our only focus, He has given us tools to use to bring victory in this area.  He has provided medical knowledge for us to use in the physical realm. He has also provided spiritual knowledge to help us in the spiritual realm.  Paul tells us to make sure we aren‟t ignorant of Satan‟s devices (2 Corinthians 2:5-11).  We are to understand and use these resources which He has provided.  I believe God commands us to be involved in spiritual warfare (I Timothy 6:12).  Here are some reasons: 

1. THE BIBLE COMMANDS US TO USE SPIRITUAL WARFARE "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, etc."  Ephesians 6:10-12 "We are not ignorant of Satan's devices"  II Cor. 2:11 We are to understand our enemy before battling him (count the cost) Luke 14:31 Armor in Ephesians 5 - why would we be given armor if there wasn't a spiritual battle going on? 

IF GOD IS SOVEREIGN, WHY DO WE NEED TO FIGHT SATAN?  If God is sovereign, why do we need to witness, pray, believe, work for our money, drive carefully, go to a doctor, or any of those things?  If we trust in God, why lock doors at night? There are some things God expects us to do, in His strength.  By doing these we learn to trust Him more. The Jews were given the land of Canaan but had to learn to fight to live in it. We praise Him more when we see His provision, might and deliverance.  We are better able to pray for and give guidance to others.  Also, we see the awfulness of sin and its consequences so we can better turn from it.  We see His glory as He uses us for victory.  Others see it and He is glorified in their sight.    2. JESUS USED SPIRITUAL WARFARE  Jesus talked about Satan & demons more than anyone in Bible.  He cast out demons.  He taught and commanded His disciples to fight Satan and cast out demons (Matthew 10:8; Luke 10:1, 17-20).  He was disappointed when they were unable to deliver a demonized boy without Him (Mark 9:14-29).  The religious rulers accused Jesus (Mark 3:22) and John the Baptizer (Luke 7:33) of being demonized. He commanded His disciples to cast out demons, too   

3. EXAMPLES OF OTHERS WHO USED SPIRITUAL WARFARE DANIEL prayed spiritual warfare prayer for three weeks (Daniel 10:2-6,12-14). JEREMIAH's whole ministry was one of spiritual warfare. PAUL was twice involved in casting out demons (Acts 13:6-12; 16:16-18) and writes much  about spiritual warfare (Ephesians 4:26-27; 6:10-13; Galatians 2:10, 13; etc.) MOSES was challenged by Satanic forces (Jannes & Jambres, Exodus 7:1-11, etc.). Many examples in church history show the involvement of God's people in spiritual warfare. 

4. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE SUPPORTS SPIRITUAL WARFARE  The testimony of many who have been involved in spiritual warfare support and validate its importance as an important tool for Christians today.  It is not our only tool, for different tools are needed for different jobs.  Spiritual warfare is one tool among many (prayer, witnessing, counseling, praising, etc.) that God gives us to use at the proper time. 

5. LAST DAYS EMPHASIS OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE  The closer the rapture comes the more spiritual warfare will increase.  There will be MUCH of it in the tribulation as Satan's forces are released.


The subject of spiritual warfare must be studied within the context of God's total purpose for the redemption of sinful mankind.  Study the parables of the sower and the tares among wheat in Matthew 13.  Both parables concern the growth of the Kingdom of God which occurs through the planting of God's Word.  Both parables picture the warfare between the two kingdoms with the battle centering on the redemptive purposes of God.

Learning spiritual warfare prepares you to enter the arena of this world and fight for the souls of men and women, boys and girls. This is why authority over Satan was given to the disciples before they were sent out to share the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).  Satan and his hosts of demons will war against you as you seek to win men to Christ and bring them under the rule of God.  Employing Scriptural strategies of spiritual warfare helps you challenge the principalities and powers who rule over individual human lives, societies, and areas of the world.

Repentance and conversion result in justification and salvation.  This is God's plan for induction into His army. 



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