Monday 11 November 2013



“Christians today are being attacked by evil spirits they cannot see or detect. Most are in denial that they are wrestling against powers, princes, and demons on or influencing this Earth. Everywhere one goes there is demonic activity. The door is open through television programs, movies, video games, books and friends. People are slowly being conditioned to believe that that they see and hear is normal, while the demonic continues to increase. Children are being born with inherited generational curses and they don’t even know it. They are not equipped to do battle against these evil demons. We appear to be in the last days when Satan and his hierarchy of demonic evil spirits are being loosed on this earth in an unprecedented scale. Churches are silent concerning the demonic. People grow up thinking that it is normal to feel depressed, have lustful thoughts and lack self control. To fight spiritual warfare, pull down strongholds, remove the demonic from us and keep demons away from us, we need to know how to use the tools for victory that Jesus Christ gave us. He said we could use His name to cast out the demonic and get the victory. To be an overcomer, we need to understand generational curses and curses and how to break them. We need to know how to deal with unforgiveness and what happens when we don’t forgive. We have to understand who the enemy is in the spirit world. When we understand that, we can get delivered and set free.” ~Roger Miller [Note: These are the words of Roger Miller, a Christian and a Federal Bank Examiner who, along with his wife, Donna, conduct seminars on spiritual warfare and deliverance. They are members of the New Covenant Fellowship Church in Olive Branch, Missouri. These words are taken from their 1994 Book, “Curses, Unforgiveness, Evil Spirits, Deliverance.”] 
Total deliverance of demons within and around a person cannot be achieved if there is doubt and disbelief that they are real, if there is unforgiveness or if there is a practice of sin that the person intends to continue. Demonic spirits are sensitive in that they can hear all that we say and they know whether we have any authority over them. In order to get them out we have to cover all of these aspects both for the deliverance worker and the person wanting deliverance. In other words, we have to tell them who we are in Christ and the authority He gave us over them, and the person being delivered must cover all sin problems and areas that allowed demonic spirits to enter their life. Once we have destroyed their legal right to stay, we can make them leave. The ideal prayer is one that covers the specific problem area of the person being ministered to. 
warfare prayer
 “Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection. I surrender myself completely and unreservedly in ever area of my life to you. I take a stand against all the workings of Satan that would hinder me in my prayer life. I address myself only to the true and living God and refuse any involvement of Satan in my prayer. “Satan, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to leave my presence with all of your demons. I bring the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ between us. I resist all the endeavors of Satan and his wicked spirits to rob me of the will of God. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I pull down the strongholds of Satan.” 


“Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God, and that you are the Messiah come down in the flesh to destroy the works of the Devil. You were born of a virgin birth; you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead. You now sit on the right hand of the Father in Heaven making intercession for me. I now confess all of my sins and repent. I now ask you to forgive me and cleanse me in your blood. I believe that your blood cleanses me continually from all sin. Thank you for redeeming me, cleansing me, justifying me, and sanctifying me in your blood.” 


 “Lord Jesus, I confess to you that I have not always loved others, but have resented certain people and have held unforgiveness in my heart toward them. I call upon you, Lord, to help me forgive them. I do now forgive __________ and ask you to forgive them also, Lord. I do now forgive and accept myself, in the name of Jesus Christ.” (Note: If you find that you cannot speak forgiveness because it hurts too much, God desires that is truly in your heart to do. He wants you to say it is your WILL to forgive. Ask Him to help you forgive and take all of the hurts away. Transfer all of the hurts to Jesus, who took them all upon Himself on the cross. You might pray this way:) “I find that at this time I cannot forgive __________ because it hurts too much. I know that you want me to forgive them, Lord, and I ask you to help me to do so. Please take the hurt and the unforgiving spirit away and help me to forgive them truly, in Jesus’ name.” 


 “I repent of the sins of ____________ of my mother and father and I renounce those curses caused from that sin. I now send those resulting curses back where they came from. I break these curses back 15 generations and I put them under the blood of Jesus, who became a curse of the law for me. I ask you, God, to bless all of my remaining family line. I cancel all related and connected spirits in the name of Jesus.” Afterthought: Many people have very little idea of what to repent of regarding the sins of their parents, grandparents or ancestors that may bring a generational curse. When dealing with this issue, please consider the following questions: • Has anyone in your family ever interacted with any of the following: Ouija Boards, astrology, witchcraft, horoscopes, séances, hypnosis, palm reading, spirit channeling, fortune tellers, tarot cards, dungeons & dragons, or anything like that? • Has anyone in your family ever been part of a false religion (i.e., Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Catholicism, Christian Science, voodoo, etc.), satanic cults, taken the vows of a religious lodge (i.e., Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star religion, etc.) worship of or prayers to false gods or deities (i.e., Mary, St. Jude, Fatima, Allah, etc.) or such like? • Has anyone in your family or in your home ever possessed religious items that may have been used in the worship of other gods? (i.e., religious books, religious statues, good luck charms, crystals, various symbols, or such like) Please consider that these items may be a link – and thus, an opening – to the spiritual forces they were intended to honor and/or symbolize, much as a wedding ring is linked to a spouse. These items are accursed according to the Bible, and can thus provide a legal avenue of attack, attachment or residence for the forces of darkness within the home or against the owner, for they will bring the judgment of God’s curse against the sin they represent with them.

7 Steps to Release from a Curse 
The BASIS for your release:  - Jesus took every one of our curses upon himself on the cross! (Gal. 3:10- 13) - Every believer has access to this release through faith in Him!
1. Confess your faith in Jesus and His death on your behalf (Rom. 10:8-10)
2. Repent of all of your rebellion and sins
3. Claim forgiveness of all sins (1 John 1:9)
4. Forgive everyone who has ever harmed you or wronged you
5. Renounce ALL contact or interaction with anything occultic or satanic
a. You must destroy, remove or get rid off any “contact objects”
b. Any religious relic that has been or is designed to be used in worship of
other gods can be a contact object
c. You cannot be completely free from satanic curses in your life if you
retain the object that is the symbol of your fellowship with him!
6. Release yourself from all curses (generational or otherwise), attacks and
bondages in prayer
7. Believe that you have received release and go forward in faith and in God’s
(NOTE: This prayer is a foundational format upon which you can build your
personal prayer of release as you are led of God and come to understand your
personal challenges; it contains the basic points of confession and affirmation
necessary to receive your release from curses.)
- Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and the only way to God, and that
you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead;
- I give up my rebellion and all of my sin, and I submit to you as Lord of my life;
- I confess all of my sins before you and ask for your forgiveness – especially for
my sins that exposed me to a curse. I ask that you release me this day from the
consequences of my ancestor’s sins;
- By a decision of my will, I forgive all who have harmed me or wronged me –
Just as I want God to forgive me for my wrong (Now forgive them by name…)
- I renounce any and all contact with anything occultic or satanic – If I have any
contact objects, I now commit myself to destroy them. I renounce all of Satan’s
claims against me.
- Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross you took upon yourself every curse that
could come upon me. So I now ask you to release me from every curse over my
life in your name, Lord Jesus!
- By FAITH I now receive my release, and I thank you for it!
Some Common Causes of Today’s Curses…
(NOTE: While many believers may have come out of these sins in the past, they may not necessarily have been renounced them or been delivered from the damage or impact of them)
Scriptural basis: Gal. 5: 91-21
Occultic or Satanic involvement: - Tarot cards, drugs (sorcery), palm reading, crystals, channeling, fortune telling, horoscopes, Ouija boards, water witching, voodoo, satanic- or occult-based games and such like (card games, board games, video games, etc.)
Sexual Sins: - Pornography, adultery, fornication, incest, rape, molestation, homosexuality, sexual perversion, prostitution, lustfulness, sexual uncleanness
Relational Sins: - Abortion, adultery, fornication, divorce, division, gossiping, rebellion, witchcraft (i.e., manipulation, intimidation or domination), party or clique spirit, etc.
Emotional Sins: - Hatred, jealousy, envy, wrathfulness, unforgiveness, pridefulness, stubbornness, deceitfulness, bitterness, etc.
Generational Sins: (the sins of your ancestors that brought a curse into your life) - You were born out of wedlock - You were rejected by your mother or father - Your parents/grandparents were involved in Free Masonry/Eastern Star, or any lodge or religious group that required an oath of allegiance to other than the Lord - Your ancestors were involved in any occultic or satanic activity - You received and were injured by verbal abuse from someone in authority over your life (parents, teachers, spouse, etc.)
- You were a victim of rape, incest or molestation
Sins of the Tongue: (Contrary, unbelieving or negative confessions – bring self-imposed curses) Gossip, verbal attacks, lying, ungodly oaths, etc.

• Supplies: Newspaper, facial tissue, wastebasket w/lining, anointing oil, Bible, note paper, worship music and player 1. Prepare the sanctuary.  o Make sure that the place used has been properly sanctified, sealing every door and window with anointing oil and the blood of Jesus.  o Dispatch protecting angels all around the place and the workers, instructing them to create a hedge of protection and to prevent any demonic interference to the session. o Worshipful music should be used to reinforce a holy atmosphere, preferably music that speaks of deliverance, warfare, the blood of Jesus, the cross, etc. o Make sure that workers and intercessors have repented of any sin in their lives and have asked the Lord to wash them in the blood of His son. 2. Prepare the Counselee/Counselors. o Inform the counselee of what will take place, with the goal of making them as comfortable and as calm as possible. Offer them a chair to sit in. Counselors/workers can either stand or sit, but chairs should be available so they can sit if they wish. o MAKE SURE that the counselee has been baptized and has confessed Christ as their Lord and Savior. If there is any doubt, walk them through the sinners prayer of repentance, confess their sins and have them invite Christ into their life anew. It would we wise for the counselor and workers to do the same at this point to establish our salvation before any spirits that are present. o MAKE SURE that the counselee is not wearing or carrying anything that can serve as a demonic contact item. Ask about any item in their home that can serve as the same. (If so, this can serve as an open door the spirits to return.) o Inform the counselee as wisely as possible of the possible manifestations they might experience and of the purpose of the wastebasket. (Possible physical manifestations: throwing up, coughing, sneezing, yawning, strange sensations in the throat, crying, yelling, strong emotions, etc.) Inform them that they can also cooperate with the counselors by also ordering the spirits to leave as they manifest themselves, calling on the name of Jesus, and such like. (Not required, though) o One worker should serve as the main counselor / voice, with others serving as prayer support and care supporters for the counselee. The supporters should understand that they are free to offer prophetic insights and reinforce the commands of the primary counselor as they feel led by the Lord. At other times, support counselors should focus on low-voiced prayer support for the session (so the primary can remain focused and lead effectively). Workers should be careful not to speak over one another during the session. 3. Documentation. o There should be a tablet kept nearby for a support counselor to document any spiritual/demonic utterances spoken by the counselee, especially words or names possibly spoken by the spirit being expelled. Of particular interest are any names that might be used to help expel a spirit. o Workers should be conscious of documenting every expelled spirit addressed by the primary counselor, the name of the spirit addressed, and the end result. This will be helpful in determining later what was or wasn’t addressed.   

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