Monday 11 November 2013



The Deliverance Process.  Before any deliverance can begin, the counselee must be free of unforgiveness against anyone who has wounded, abandoned or hurt them in the past (i.e., mother, father, abuser, etc.). They should be asked to name the person and the sin against them out loud. A counselor may have to walk them through a prayer of forgiveness. This is so important! o Break any perceived curses over the person that they may have received from their mother, father, or their descendants. Break them by name or by nature. Have the counselee verbally repent of any of these curses by name and ask to be washed in the blood of Jesus. o Instruct the demonic spirits of what you expect: that when you speak their name, they are to come out of the person and leave the region. Instruct them that they are not to torment or tear the person as they leave, and that they are not allowed to link up with other spirits in their family. Command the other spirits to keep silent until they are addressed. Forbid them to interfere with the process. o Begin to address the discerned or suspected spirits by name as the Lord leads. Wisdom and experience says to address them by families, starting with the weaker ones and working up to the Strong Man in the family. Persistence and discernment are keys to success. It may take a while for them to start manifesting, but if the sanctuary has been properly prepared, then they will come out. The counselor should expect more than one, and should consider addressing all of the spirits in a particular family of spirits, saving the Strong Man for last (unless the Lord directs you to do otherwise). Do not stop until the manifestations have ceased. o As a spirit departs, it may or may not cause vomiting. Be prepared with the wastebasket and newspaper to protect the sanctuary. As each departs, instruct the angels to carry them out of the region. If there is much resistance, instruct the angels of the Lord to torment the spirit until it leaves. Lack of successful expulsion of a particular spirit may indicate that a “legal right” may remain for that spirit to be there and try to find out what it is (unconfessed sins, unforgiveness, contact items still possessed, etc.) The Strong Man may be the hardest to expel, but be persistent. o Do not seek to communicate with any spirits that speak; command them to be silent, unless they are giving their name or nature, or the reason they won’t leave, which can all be used to expel them. Outside of that, do not encourage communication. o Counselors should be sensitive to the strength and condition of the counselee. This can be tiring for them as well as for the counselor. It is okay to rest between expulsions if this is deemed necessary for either the counselee or the counselor. Always be sensitive to the condition of the counselee. o If it seems that there are more spirits to be expelled then can be cast out after two hours or so, then it may be wise to continue another day after some rest. Be sure to pray for the closing of all open doors and the healing of all wounds in the life of the counselee at the end of the session. o Be sure to review with the counselee what you feel has been accomplished and encourage them to prayer, Bible reading and worship of the Lord in the privacy of their home. Make sure they can reach a counselor by phone between sessions if necessary.


Way for the Deliverance Worker to Get Started

A 1. Brief conversations about the reason the person is there for ministry; 2. General prayer and worship—focus on God and His goodness, power, etc.; 3. Bind powers over the area, break assignments from powers in the air to demons in the person. Ask for angelic protection (Hebrews 1:14); 4. Ask and receive by faith the gifts of the Spirit needed to minister. Leadership during Deliverance Time 1. Too many people commanding spirits (different ones) at the same time causes confusion for everyone, especially to the person being ministered to. 2. Leadership will often shift as the Holy Spirit directs. 3. Husbands are often the most effective in commanding spirits to leave their wives, with the support of others. Tactics of Speaking to Demons 1. Address the spirit by name and if that is not known, address by function. a. Either the Holy Spirit will give it, or b. The demon will reveal himself. c. Do not rely on either method exclusively—be open to the Holy Spirit in this area. 2. Repeatedly remind these spirits that your authority is given to you by Jesus Christ, Who is far above all rule and authority (Ephesians 1:21). 3. Remind them of their fate in Revelation 20:10 and other places in Scripture (Job 30:3-8). Use the statement ("The Lord Jesus Christ rebukes you") repeatedly as a battering ram. 4. It is helpful to harass the demons to confess that Jesus Christ is their Lord. 5. Ruler demons often can be badgered for more information. 6. At times you will command the ruler demon to go and then clean out the lesser demons under him, and if that does not work, reverse the tactics. 7. Bind and separate interfering spirits as God leads. 8. There is no need to shout at demons since the battle is not in the flesh but in the Spirit.

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